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Change the Dialogue

Our Mission

Our Vision


Changing Dialogue is a future learning space which aims to be planned with and not simply for the refugees of Zaatari. Through collaboratively planned career incursions, presented by refugee women who bring professional experience from their lives in Syria, it aims to provide girls with a vision of where a completed education may take them. It also aims to empower and engage the refugee women who participate and the positive family dialogue this inspires. Through ongoing collaboration it's objective is to support and motivate teachers with limited professional experience to grow in confidence and enhance education quality through the input of other professional women . It plans to build respect in boys and empower girls by taking each on a journey through the liminal space to develop new and enhanced understandings and respect for the options available to an educated woman .    

Changing Dialogue increasingly builds self-direction and self-efficacy in refugee girls and a deeper understanding by their surrounding community of  the long term value of girls completing their education both personally and for the benefit of their country now and into the future .  

A Girl's Education Matters !   

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